BC North Country Amateur Radio Club.

Ham radio is a communication hobby covering diverse interests from experimentation, to public service.  The federal government (Innovation Science and Economic Development -ISED/formerly Industry Canada) certifies individuals to operate radio equipment on exclusive, and shared frequencies.

Emergency Preparation
Field Day.

Every fourth full weekend in June, ham's around North America set up temporary radio stations and contact as many others as possible.  Generator or solar power is encouraged, and often participants camp out.  The idea is to practice communicating in an emergency situation where local infrastructure such as power, and internet are out of commission.

June 22-23, 2024 at Matthews Centennial Park - Farmington - All Welcome!

Experimentation, socializing, and public service.

Amateur radio is a service recognized by governments around the world for their assistance in times of communication outages, and for inventing new radio modes.  Antenna, transmitter, and even satellite design are part of the ham radio culture.  Other aspects of the hobby include making friends around the world, and contesting.

Join us for the Sunday 2MRepeater Net  9:30 a.m.
Usually Prince George runs the Net Control Station.

Prince George Club website:


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